Sunday, October 02, 2005

A taste of Fall

The Oregon skies finally opened up this weekend and gave us a good hard rain. Those of us who ventured out to go buy cookies, rent movies, and check the mail were rewarded with this double rainbow. The photo doesn't really do it justice because if you had been there you could have easily picked out the indigo and lavender stripes. It was really very pretty.

I had planned to color my hair this weekend (going back to dark) but my check, along with at least one other co-workers, didn't get direct deposited. Thus it was a homebound lazy weekend. I even had to use my free rentals to rent movies. How sad!

But it was nice. I slept in a lot. And feel more rested then I have in a long time. I do think I might be getting sick though, my throught is hurting. But it does tend to do that this time of year. Nothing a nice hot bowl of hommade chili won't fix though. Good night, I hope you all had a nice weekend too.

1 comment:

GrooveTheory said...

Awww ... i love rainbows. but then again, i'm gay ;) LOL I'm glad u had a very relaxing rainbow. Cosmoblog misses you hun ;)