Sunday, December 25, 2005

All is calm All is that it's over

Wow since Christmas is over does that entitle me to a nap? It has been GO GO GO all December! Between work and shopping and wrapping and taking Christmas pictures and making cd's for friends to give their kids and Christmas cards and and and and seems like sleep was never really on the list.

It was a nice day though, stayed in town and went to my sisters house. Got a lot of looks at the carload of gifts I had. There was barely room left in the car for me. (took 2 trips and no they were not all from me)

Looks like everyone enjoyed their gifts from me, at least I hope so. My favorite gift opening moment is in the picture above.

I got a book of Racheal Hale's photography, two movies (Serenity & Four Brothers) and an awesome pink satin bedset from Victoria Secret. Much more than I expected.

Stuffed our faces with more food then any of our belly's were meant to hold. Took pictures of all the kids and am now ready to pop a dvd in and crash. complaints here. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

GrooveTheory said...

I know, right?!! THANK GOD IT'S OVAH! Just like you, I've been all over the place this month, and I was still at the F'ing mall on the 24th!

Anyway, I hope you had fabulous Christmas sweetie!!!