Tuesday, September 28, 2004

screw the muse

I am slowly emerging from a bout of writer's block. I think I have been intimidated by my book. Or at least the prospect of its completion. I have known for years how this storyline would play out, since well before I actually started to write it down. I think I have just been worried about what would happen if it got "done". I have become attatched to my characters and their world. There is the slightest bit of me in each of them. If I get done, I think I will be sad to not be a part of their world anymore.

But then I came to the conclusion that since I had planned to make it a series anyway, I wouldn't be losing anything at all. I would just bring them back more prominently than I had previously planned to. That helped for a while, and then I started having trouble writing what I thought would be well received by an audience. I wanted something more real and raw than what my Muse was giving me. So again I set the book aside, determined to wait her out, hoping eventually she'd give me something good to work with.

No such luck. She seems to be as stubborn as I am. So I finally stopped waiting and started writing the rough edged realness I wanted and low and behold it is coming to me far easier than the forced mass appeal crap I had tried so hard to milk from my muse.

So I say screw the muse! She's overrated anyway. I'll do this my way!

sidenote: Still no word from the attorney, maybe I should look into another one.


Anonymous said...

Not that I'm a creative writer at all, but I've found for other things that if I just start writing, then other stuff comes to me. It's good that you got some momentum back!


GrooveTheory said...

Honey, the whole world is your muse. You can fine inspiration on ANYTHING. Listen to me, I'm on sabbatical and I'm preaching about inspiration. But I've had my own bouts with writer's block. Believe me, it's a bitch and a half. But anyway, you can do it!

Jessica said...

Thanx guys. I think the whole job thing had blocked me up for a little while also, but hopefully that is coming to a close soon. I am puttering along as we speak and the freshness of having not written in it for a while is prompting me to go back and consider some re-writes on what I have already written. I am falling in love again with their world. ;)

Jessica said...

Well big Sissy I dunno what the last page I gave you to read was, I have written a few at least since, but I dunno exactly what I last gave you.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to buying your book on Amazon :)


Jessica said...

Thank you Jenny, I look forward to someday seeing it there also.