Monday, September 27, 2004

for no particular reason at all

No Stranger

I am no stranger to shame. He has a niche in my closet. I pull him out regularly and shroud myself in his darkness. Shame is the only real promise I've kept to myself. And he's been reliable. No, Shame is not a stranger we know each other well. If I thought I could speak in the language of flowers, Shame was there to correct my delusion. Shame's face has been loitering in the reflection of my teardrops since my memory began. Shame is the truth that colors my cheeks and bows my head. Shame's been my sorrow and my redemption, and my world turns at his whim. I hope he has call to be kind to me. I am no stranger to Shame, though I'd like to grow apart.

(c) Jessica Mitchell

1 comment:

Kerry Doyal said...

WOW - Great writing!

I have to ask if you feel under this shame often?
Sounds like a heavy load . . .

One of the descriptions of God I love is that He is the "lifter of our heads." He cups the head dropped down by shame & lifts it up to look to the grace & forgiveness that HE offers, that He is.

May you see that face,