Sunday, September 12, 2004

Gmail Invites

So now I have invites to hand out. Any takers? Lemme know if anyone wants one.


JaG said...

I've got six and every time I send one out it comes back to me!! Been trying to get rid of them for ages, it seems.

Oh, and I like your template!! Nice pic you've got there!

Jessica said...

Ha Ha you are who I got mine from. It looks like for every one given another comes back. I wonder why they don't just let people sign up regularly now.

JaG said...

Miss, if you want I'll send you one!!!!

JaG said...

Oh, and Jessica, thanks for the blinkie, but I don't think I'll use it. The thought was very sweet and I was excited about it, but blinkies just don't seem to be me. Sorry.

Jessica said...

Macy: Sent it out this morning hope you enjoy ;)

JaG: No need to use it I just saw it and thought I would show you. ;P